Player-Coach for Your Marketing Dream Team

Always question yourself, "I'm not doing a pointless hustle, am I?" This is the main motto of MORE CMO for marketing teams in medium and large companies. Many marketers don’t do conscious marketing, and we can teach them how.

What we prioritize

For many mid-sized companies, the major dilemma lies in balancing return on investments with sustainable revenue growth. Marketing, which can take up over 10% of profits due to high salaries and costly campaigns, needs to be highly efficient and professional. We supervise marketing teams and campaigns closely to ensure they deliver the best possible results.
Refining the marketing strategy to align with business objectives
It’s time to rethink how marketing propels your company toward its core goals — boosting revenue, expanding market share, and enhancing profit. We’ll help develop a sharp marketing strategy and then shape a fitting marketing mix, fine-tune your budget, and identify the team skills essential for medium- and long-term success.
Maintaining robust and uniform brand and messaging
Your company must communicate consistent messages across all market interaction channels. This demands a well-defined brand strategy, including clear positioning and messaging frameworks. We will assist in developing your positioning and guide brand development if needed.
Scaling demand generation while keeping ROI high
More channels — more campaigns — more marketing budget. More leads? If so. When the structure of marketing campaigns becomes too complex, marketing investments grow faster than leads. This must be combated through thoughtful cross-channel analytics while monitoring the effectiveness of each channel separately.
Building a strong connection among CEO, product, sales, and marketing teams
In grown-up companies, collaboration between groups becomes a major challenge. Due to unstructured formats and poor follow-ups, regular team meetings often fail to achieve a unified vision. We will help by introducing structured meetings with follow-ups, breaking the cycle of ineffective communication.
Coaching toward Conscious Marketing, enhancing in-house expertise
Marketing metrics are abundant, often allowing marketers to highlight a positive aspect even in poor performance. We train your marketers to adopt an entrepreneurial mindset, focusing their efforts on driving new sales and market share growth rather than just achieving favorable dashboard metrics. And by that, we secure your investment in the team.

Rhythm of business

Mastering the rhythm of team interactions for smarter and faster results
  • Bi-weekly to monthly
    Marketing team meetings
    We rally your marketing team for huddles, sharing knowledge and experience, diving into our current tasks, dissecting the results of running campaigns, planning collaborative offers, and strategizing for the immediate horizon.

    Marketing team 1:1s
    We hold focused one-on-one sessions with each marketer, concentrating on their personal objectives and challenges. It's a time for discussing their career growth, delving into the latest in marketing innovation, and understanding exactly what support they need to succeed.

    Sync-ups with sales lead
    Routine check-ins with the sales lead to evaluate how the sales plan is unfolding, scrutinize the pipeline's robustness, and gauge the caliber of leads and their conversion rates. These sessions also serve as a prime opportunity to delve into key marketing initiatives.
  • Monthly to quarterly
    Extended leadership workshops
    We recommend extended leadership team meetings for a comprehensive review of the company's performance. These should involve leaders from operations, sales, marketing, service, product design, HR, finance, and R&D, ensuring timely adjustments in departmental strategies.

    Extended Marketing:Sales alignments
    In-depth coordination sessions between sales and marketing teams, where we explore present and upcoming offers, campaigns, customer feedback, and team suggestions. These discussions are open to both marketing leads and the entire team for comprehensive participation.

    CEO/COO sync-ups
    We regularly convene with the CEO and COO for a tactical deep dive into the execution of the sales budget and cost dynamics. These discussions guide in fine-tuning the marketing plan's approach, steering it towards a more or less aggressive trajectory.
  • Quarterly to semi-annual
    Board meetings
    Regular board of directors meetings to assess revenues and profits, the company’s development, agree on strategic projects and coordinate on points of business growth. Our CMOs can participate on the board as independent directors.
Start with a Discovery Call
In the first 10 minutes, we’ll unveil the core of our innovative strategy. Then, in the following 10, we’ll join forces to pinpoint your key opportunities for impact. Consider this our treat — free, no strings attached on your end.
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