Part-time CMO
to Unlock Revenue Growth
and Attain Marketing Excellence

Experienced CMO turns CEO and board goals into a marketing strategy, leads the marketing team, ensures marketing budgets work to the last cent, and drives business growth.

All at the price of a marketing manager.

The three missions of a CMO, marketing strategy, leadership, and marketing excellence, can be accomplished by a professional not being a full-time employee.

MORE CMO offers you a part-time, or fractional, Chief Marketing Officer who will help convert your business aspirations to an actionable marketing plan, lead and grow marketing talents, and get the top performance of your marketing spends.

What your fractional CMO focuses on

Your fractional CMO will work on these four pillars, taking the burden of marketing off your shoulders and freeing up your time to grow your business.

Marketing enablement, strategy, and consulting

  • Defining Audiences: Identifying and analyzing target markets
  • Building Strategies: Developing comprehensive marketing and GTM plans
  • Crafting Messages: Creating positioning and messaging frameworks
  • Launching Brands: Implementing brand and product marketing initiatives

Lead Generation and Growth Scaling

  • Planning Revenue: Breaking down revenue goals into marketing actions
  • Analyzing Journeys: Studying customer interactions and pathways
  • Creating Mixes: Formulating effective marketing mix strategies
  • Balancing Channels: Optimizing and balancing marketing channels

Leadership and marketing team development

  • Structuring Teams: Organizing teams and defining skills matrices
  • Mentoring Staff: Guiding and mentoring marketing team members
  • Developing Training: Designing training and development initiatives
  • Assessing Candidates: Evaluating executive marketing candidates

Marketing excellence assay and improvement

  • Building KPIs: Establishing and maintaining marketing KPIs and dashboards
  • Analyzing Traction: Regularly reviewing performance with sales and product teams
  • Creating Campaigns: Launching integrated marketing campaigns
  • Automating Processes: Improving efficiency through marketing automation

How your fractional CMO works

Our daily tasks include looking for growth points within and outside the company, coordinating the marketing department's activities, and monitoring how well our marketing investments generate new business.
Searching for growth points
We establish a rhythm of business framework that connects senior leaders in marketing, sales, and other departments. This promotes communication and knowledge sharing across teams, enabling a collaborative approach to identifying opportunities, leveraging diverse expertise, and aligning strategies to foster innovation and maximize business potential. We ask questions, find gaps, and help to fill them in.
Leading the marketing team
We oversee and guide the marketing team, setting goals and directing day-to-day operations. We promote a collaborative environment, mentor team members, and ensure effective communication to drive marketing success. Additionally, we optimize team structure, facilitate training and development, and evaluate executive marketing candidates to build a high-performing team.
Getting the most of marketing money
We use our knowledge and expertise to develop a targeted marketing strategy, improve marketing campaigns, and closely monitor marketing performance metrics. Our objective is to ensure that the marketing team acknowledges marketing as the primary driver of business success and collaborates seamlessly with the sales and product teams, avoiding ineffective practices.


tl;dr: You get our collective experience and opinion without any employment commitments.

No employment red tape

Don’t take on the burden of hiring and paying an expensive CMO when your business doesn’t require it. Part-time outsourced MORE CMO will launch and fine-tune your marketing — just as your business currently needs it.

Hands-on in the real world

Each of us has more than ten years of hands-on, purposeful and rhythmic work in the most advanced companies in their industry as CMO, Marketing Director, Operating Officer, or Consultant. We bring best practices and what is proven to work to your business.

Artifacts at every turn

Whatever we do, we put it on paper. Not long sheets of text that no one reads, but executive summaries of key thoughts and ideas that we discuss in meetings or develop in the office. At all sessions, an assistant from our side keeps notes.

Hive mind and collective voice

  • We understand the unique characteristics of people and markets across various nations and regions

    Our CMOs have expertise in NA, LATAM, EMEA, and APAC markets. If you're considering entering a new market that falls outside your fractional CMO's expertise, we’ll bring on board a pro with the necessary geo experience.

  • We integrate marketing knowledge and tactics from a range of sectors

    CMOs internally collaborate in cross-industry groups, reviewing and advising on ideas, concepts, and execution. We put to work the best practices from your industry and bring outside-the-box ideas from beyond it.

  • We guarantee that your CMO aligns with both your expectations and the company's ethos

    Should you need a specialist with a different approach, experience, or work ethic, we will quickly find and offer a replacement from our hive. The entire work history and ongoing projects will be smoothly transitioned to the new expert, ensuring no interruption in your operations.

Our work experience

Companies where our hive members have been employed or worked as consultants

Your part-time CMO is easy to start with


Discovery call

During a 30-minute video conversation, we will discuss your challenges and how we can boost your business opportunity. We expect to see founders or owners, CEO, and team members in charge of sales and marketing from your side.
Typically, we begin with a 1-week sales and marketing diagnostics phase. This includes interviews with the CEO and sales and marketing leads using predefined questions and identifying gaps in your processes, allowing us to determine the initial focus areas for your fractional CMO.
CMO match
Based on the outcomes from the diagnostics, we recommend you one or more fractional Chief Marketing Officers from our team. You get to know them and make sure that their expertise, approach, and spirit align with your expectations and the nature of your company.
Your fractional CMO starts working instantly, focusing on developing a marketing strategy, growing talent, and ensuring outstanding marketing campaign performance — the goals we anticipated with your leadership team.