Marketing Enablement, Strategy, and Сonsulting

First things first. Before beginning investment and promotion of your products, let’s convert your goals and aspirations into a go-to-market strategy, identify the essential expertise needed, and create the minimum required to launch effective marketing campaigns.
  • The problem
    Whether you are starting something new, trying to make money after a slow period, or considering expanding to new areas for your product, it’s important to review your marketing approach carefully.

    People think of marketing as just a website with online ads and leads going into a CRM system. While this can work initially, it becomes limited when you run out of semantics in your target market. At that point, traffic growth slows, sales get lower-quality leads, and everyone gets discouraged because they’re not making enough money.

  • The cause
    Marketing, just like any other discipline, has its gameplay rules. Sometimes, a simplified set of rules fits, but more often you have to bind sales, product, design, or even HR and finance departments together to craft an astonishing marketing plan that will work for your case.

    Low marketing performance might be caused by weak brand identity, poor Go-to-Market strategy, or ineffectively working digital marketing channels like the website, ads, or SEO. However, before diving in, you must be sure that the basic things are in place.

Marketing strategy

The marketing strategy addresses how marketing will contribute to achieving the company's goals. The level of detail in this document may vary, but it is recommended to include the following:
  • Analysis of trends and forecast of market volume, competitor and SWOT analysis
  • Marketing metrics and KPIs that align with the company's goals
  • Brand, positioning, and messaging framework
  • Marketing tactics: channels and marketing mix
Additional sections, such as channel strategy, marketing plan, and budget, can be further developed as specific tasks arise.

Go-to-Market strategy

GTM, also known as Go-to-Market strategy, is a company's plan and approach to launch its products or services and effectively reach its target audience. It focuses on the questions of "What", "How", and "Where" we will promote and sell our products. In some cases, GTM is considered even more important than a marketing strategy because it deals with practical sales and marketing concepts.

Brand strategy

At some point, probably not at the beginning, a company will need a strong and unique brand identity that really connects with its target audience. This involves different aspects, each with different levels of importance depending on the specific situation: brand strategy, brand image and values, positioning and messaging framework, brand book, style guide, and brand assets. The founder or CEO's personal brand can be confidently included in the company's brand strategy.

Product marketing

Contrarily, product marketing is crucial for every company from the beginning. It combines GTM (Go-to-Market) and brand strategies to create a complete value proposition for the product. This involves identifying unique selling points and creating customized messages for different target audiences, deciding on pricing strategies, implementing efforts to increase awareness and generate demand, and creating product materials that are used throughout the customer journey.

Channel marketing

Indirect sales can help you reach more customers and increase your market presence. However, it may not be as profitable as selling directly because you have to share revenue with partners. Still, many companies use the channel sales model to enter new markets, industries, or geographic areas, as this approach often requires less upfront investment. A channel marketing strategy explains how to make partners aware of your company, attract new partners, and enable them to effectively promote and sell your products.

Insight sharing wireframe

The goal is not to provide information on marketing performance (we can still share and talk about the numbers). It is mainly about exploring strategy, obtaining valuable market insights, and identifying possible directions for the company. These meetings usually include senior executives from the sales, marketing, and product teams. Younger companies tend to have these meetings more frequently.

Marketing concilium (second opinion)

Even experienced marketing leaders may sometimes look for outside inspiration or a second opinion. This can be especially helpful when the second person is less involved in daily operations, offering a new perspective and the chance to bring in insights from other industries or regions. In the Marketing Concilium, together we carefully examine specific ideas, initiatives, and campaigns, considering factors like how resources are allocated, potential challenges, and, of course, expected returns.
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